Thursday, September 17, 2015

Going Back to Blog Posts

Hey everyone,
I've had my kimono blog for almost six years now, and I've done everything from posting there to doing live educational seminars at conventions to this latest experiment, regular Youtube videos. Thank you for your support through all of it! grin emotico
I've really enjoyed making these videos the last couple of months, but to be completely honest they've taken a lot longer than I thought they would and between them and my job (I'm a teacher and school is back in session) they are taking up just about all of my free time.
So while it's been fun, I'm going to go back to blog posts and such for now when I can, and possibly return to video making next summer break. This will also give me a chance to work on some more in-depth translations that I haven't been able to get around to finishing.
Thanks again for being awesome, and as always please let me know if you ever have any kimono questions. I'll be happy to help if I can.


  1. Hello!

    I wanted to say a huuuuge thank you for this blog. Though you've had it since 2010, I only now discovered it, while doing some Kimono patterns research. I mean, seriously, THANK. YOU!

    To explain: I'm a tattoo apprentice and though I have to do flowers and stars much too often, I want to specialize in the Japanese Tattoo. It's impossible for me to learn from a real Irezumi master and in my country, no one cares or has an Irezumi specialty, so I have to self train best way I can. I am very very thorough though, which makes my work harder than it should, but at the moment, I'm working on my own tattoo design (no one pays the slightest attention to what I want out of it so I decided to make the design myself) and I take care of every single detail, the kimono patterns on the characters on my skin included.
    The tattoo has an autumn motif, which means the animals in it have to be tied with autumn as well as their symbolism, and that includes the females present in the tattoo (more females than normally present in a traditional Irezumi) and I am trying really hard to take great care that the tattoo tells my story, my personality, and represents my characters in an honest manner (even the bad parts) so the information I found on your blog helped me immensely, I have no words to say how useful everything has been and still is for me. Please continue doing what you are doing, I am sure there's not many tattoo artists who go through your blog but this one has and is immensely grateful.

    Have a nice day and all the best!

  2. B., thank you so much for your kind message. I'm glad you were able to find my site helpful, and your tattoo sounds gorgeous! I'll keep plugging away as time allows. Thank you again! :)
