Sunday, May 2, 2010

DressUpWho Kimono Dress-Up Game

Kimono dress up games are a fun excuse to play around with colors and patterns in developing your own real-life kimono style, but if you don't know a lot about kimono you can pick up false info from poorly-researched ones (ones that let you put the obi bow in front, sleeves the wrong shape, etc.).

While aimed at young girls, Dress Up Who's "chibi"-style kimono dress up game is surprisingly accurate in terms of what they include. You can choose from not only kimono and obi but obi-age (the obi scarf tied around the top of it), obi-jime cords, hakama pants and haori jackets as well. The kimono selection includes furisode, tomesode, and even a few kurotomesode.


  1. Yay! A new dress-up game! I'm really REALLY loving your blog right now... *_*

  2. If you're interested in wearing a haori jacket, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure that your kimono is the correct size.
