Saturday, July 3, 2010

Yukata Sewing Project: Wish Me Luck!

For my latest personal sewing challenge, I've decided to take a shot at sewing my first kimono, a cotton summer yukata, using no pattern and working out my own instructions as I go along. If it works out well, I'll post my instructions and pattern here.

The idea is to use locally available, affordable fabric to create a yukata that is a good fit and as accurate as possible, for either nice costumes/cosplays or summer festivals, along the way creating simple, customizable instructions even beginning sewers can follow. I know there are several patterns out there already, but me working it out for myself will be part of the challenge.

My local JoAnn's had this lovely cotton print that isn't far off from traditional yukata designs, which often feature clumps of patterns set on empty backgrounds, and exactly enough yardage left for what I need. I'll take it as a good sign for the project. :)

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